Monday, September 15, 2008

September Slump

Well, as you may have noticed I've been on a blogging break for a bit. Perhaps it's because I am experiencing a September Slump. I believe that almost everyone* goes through some level of September slumping every year as the summer fades from view, kids have to go back to school, adults say goodbye to casual Fridays at work, and flip flops no longer refer to shoes but instead to politicians. Argh!

How do you know if you too are experiencing the September Slump?

You know you're in a September Slump when:
5) You spent the last week night fine-tuning your DVR/TiVo selections
4) Games of choice include: name your hurricane and how low can the Dow go?
3) You keep walking by your bank to make sure it still exists
2) Even Back To School sales aren't enough to lure you back into stores
1) Making fun of Sarah Palin just isn't that fun anymore**

So, as I try to get through my own September Slump, let me offer up a handful of suggestions/thoughts to get through these trying times:
1) Remind yourself that bad politics=great comedy (aka Bill Maher, SNL, The Daily Show etc)
2) Get out your monopoly money- it might finally be worth something!
3) Climate change at this rate means snow days are just around the corner
4) Although loyalty in men is not innate, it can be taught! So, girls, you better reconsider the teaching profession (See more here:,0,5766094.story?page=2)
5) Flip flopping is endlessly entertaining so we can always return to making fun of Sarah Palin!

* Okay, maybe just New Yorkers but it's way more fun to exaggerate
** These indicators are valid only for September 2008 and are subject to change at a moment's notice

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