Monday, August 17, 2009

Mind and Body

I've been thinking a bit too much lately- or so it has seemed. Thankfully, the world seems to have provided me with a temporary reprieve.

Of note:
- Way of the Peaceful Warrior by Dan Millman (introduced to me by one of new favorite people)
- Lazy days in NYC Parks
- My carpenter (accent on the pent)- I say this not to diminish his impact but instead to highlight it. Sometimes you just need to BE with someone who knows how to just BE
- Bellydance shows put on by Sera Solstice Studio, featuring my dear friend Debra
- Physical Therapy which has me focusing on little other than my core
- Obsessing over a computer problem -- sitting in a cafe called Giani on the UES trying to score some free wi-fi so I could get some work done outside of my apartment. Suddenly, my computer decided that it needed a device key in order to give me access to this wi-fi. The owner assured me I needed no password and thus, had none to provide me. As I hacked away, getting ever more focused on the problem at hand, I realized nothing else mattered but figuring out the key to my free wi-fi. When I finally managed to disable the Intel Pro Set in favor of the more simplistic Windows based Wi-Fi manager, I actually got it to work. Somehow I think there's a lesson in there somewhere!

1 comment:

Janette said...

Just finished The Sacred Journey of the Peaceful Warrior. Not as good as the first one! Not even close. what are you reading now?